11 Dec FREE Webinar Tomorrow: Oregon Employment Law for Cannabis Businesses
Owning a cannabis business can present formidable challenges. Adhering to the OLCC rules can be complex in and of itself, but your business must also comply with an array of state and federal employment laws and regulations.
If you are an OLCC licensed cannabis business with employees, Harris Bricken employment lawyer Megan Vaniman will present a free webinar tomorrow, December 12, 2018 at 12pm PST to help you better understand these issues. Throughout the presentation, Megan will discuss how to navigate employment law for cannabis businesses, and provide you with tips and tricks to ensure compliance. Topics Include:
- What to consider when hiring
- Oregon’s sick leave requirements
- Oregon and Portland’s “ban-the-box” ordinance
- Final pay checks
- Independent Contractor vs Employee designation
Moderated by Harris Bricken cannabis attorney Vince Sliwoski, Megan will also address audience questions throughout the presentation. Please register by clicking here. For any additional questions regarding the webinar, please contact firm@harrisbricken.com. We hope you can join us!
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